
Problem 101

Problem 101

Optimum polynomial

If we are presented with the first $k$ terms of a sequence it is impossible to say with certainty the value of the next term, as there are infinitely many polynomial functions that can model the sequence.

As an example, let us consider the sequence of cube numbers. This is defined by the generating function,

$$u_n = n^3: 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, \ldots$$

Suppose we were only given the first two terms of this sequence. Working on the principle that “simple is best” we should assume a linear relationship and predict the next term to be $15$ (common difference $7$). Even if we were presented with the first three terms, by the same principle of simplicity, a quadratic relationship should be assumed.

We shall define $\text{OP}(k, n)$ to be the $n$th term of the optimum polynomial generating function for the first $k$ terms of a sequence. It should be clear that $\text{OP}(k, n)$ will accurately generate the terms of the sequence for $n \le k$, and potentially the first incorrect term (FIT) will be $\text{OP}(k, k+1)$; in which case we shall call it a bad OP (BOP).

As a basis, if we were only given the first term of sequence, it would be most sensible to assume constancy; that is, for $n \ge 2$, $\text{OP}(1, n) = u_1$.

Hence we obtain the following OPs for the cubic sequence:

&\text{OP}(1,n)=1 &&1, \mathbf{\color{red}1}, 1, 1, \ldots\\
&\text{OP}(2,n)=7n-6 &&1, 8, \mathbf{\color{red}15}, \ldots\\
&\text{OP}(3,n)=6n^2-11n+6 &&1, 8, 27,\mathbf{\color{red}58}, \ldots\\
&\text{OP}(4,n)=n^3 &&1, 8, 27, 64, 125, \ldots

Clearly no BOPs exist for $k \ge 4$.

By considering the sum of FITs generated by the BOPs (indicated in ${\color{red}\textbf{red}}$ above), we obtain $1 + 15 + 58 = 74$.

Consider the following tenth degree polynomial generating function:

$$u_n = 1-n+n^2-n^3+n^4-n^5+n^6-n^7+n^8-n^9+n^{10}$$

Find the sum of FITs for the BOPs.




$$u_n = n^3: 1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, \ldots$$


类似地,给定数列的前$k$项,我们可以猜测数列由某个最优多项式函数生成,并定义$\text{OP}(k, n)$是由这个函数给出的第$n$项的值。显然,若$n\le k$,$\text{OP}(k, n)$可以准确地给出这些已知项的值,而第一个不正确项最早可能出现在$\text{OP}(k, k+1)$,此时称这个最优多项式为坏最优多项式

特别地,如果我们只知道数列的第一项,我们应当猜测数列为常数,也就是说,对于$n \ge 2$,$\text{OP}(1, n) = u_1$。


&\text{OP}(1,n)=1 &&1, \mathbf{\color{red}1}, 1, 1, \ldots\\
&\text{OP}(2,n)=7n-6 &&1, 8, \mathbf{\color{red}15}, \ldots\\
&\text{OP}(3,n)=6n^2-11n+6 &&1, 8, 27,\mathbf{\color{red}58}, \ldots\\
&\text{OP}(4,n)=n^3 &&1, 8, 27, 64, 125, \ldots

显然,当$k \ge 4$时,不会有坏最优多项式。

所有坏最优多项式的第一个不正确项(用${\color{red}\textbf{红色}}$标示的数)之和为$1 + 15 + 58 = 74$。


$$u_n = 1-n+n^2-n^3+n^4-n^5+n^6-n^7+n^8-n^9+n^{10}$$
