Problem 192
Best Approximations
Let x be a real number.
A best approximation to x for the denominator bound d is a rational number r/s in reduced form, with s ≤ d, such that any rational number which is closer to x than r/s has a denominator larger than d:
For example, the best approximation to √13 for the denominator bound 20 is 18/5 and the best approximation to √13 for the denominator bound 30 is 101/28.
Find the sum of all denominators of the best approximations to √n for the denominator bound 1012, where n is not a perfect square and 1 < n ≤ 100000.
对于x,分母上限为d的最佳逼近,是一个最简分数形式的有理数r/s,其中s ≤ d,使得所有比r/s更接近x的有理数其最简分数形式的分母都大于d:
对于所有满足1 < n ≤ 100000的非平方数n,找出其分母上限为1012的最佳逼近,并求出所有这些有理数的分母之和。