
Problem 552

Problem 552

Chinese leftovers II

Let An be the smallest positive integer satisfying An mod pi = i for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n, where pi is the i-th prime.
For example A2 = 5, since this is the smallest positive solution of the system of equations

  • A2 mod 2 = 1
  • A2 mod 3 = 2

The system of equations for A3 adds another constraint. That is, A3 is the smallest positive solution of

  • A3 mod 2 = 1
  • A3 mod 3 = 2
  • A3 mod 5 = 3

and hence A3 = 23. Similarly, one gets A4 = 53 and A5 = 1523.

Let S(n) be the sum of all primes up to n that divide at least one element in the sequence A.
For example, S(50) = 69 = 5 + 23 + 41, since 5 divides A2, 23 divides A3 and 41 divides A10 = 5765999453. No other prime number up to 50 divides an element in A.

Find S(300000).


记An为满足An mod pi = i对所有1 ≤ i ≤ n成立的最小正整数,其中pi表示第i个素数。
例如,A2 = 5,因为5是如下方程组的最小正整数解

  • A2 mod 2 = 1
  • A2 mod 3 = 2


  • A3 mod 2 = 1
  • A3 mod 3 = 2
  • A3 mod 5 = 3

因此A3 = 23。同样地我们能够得到A4 = 53以及A5 = 1523。

例如,S(50) = 69 = 5 + 23 + 41,因为5整除A2,23整除A3,以及41整除A10 = 5765999453。其它小于等于50的素数都不能整除A中的任意一个元素。
