Problem 217
Balanced Numbers
A positive integer with k (decimal) digits is called balanced if its first ⌈k/2⌉ digits sum to the same value as its last ⌈k/2⌉ digits, where ⌈x⌉, pronounced ceiling of x, is the smallest integer ≥ x, thus ⌈π⌉ = 4 and ⌈5⌉ = 5.
So, for example, all palindromes are balanced, as is 13722.
Let T(n) be the sum of all balanced numbers less than 10n.
Thus: T(1) = 45, T(2) = 540 and T(5) = 334795890.
Find T(47) mod 315.
如果一个k位(十进制)正整数,其前⌈k/2⌉个数字之和等于其后⌈k/2⌉个数字之和,则称之为平衡数。这里⌈x⌉表示x的上取整函数,也就是≥ x的最小整数,例如⌈π⌉ = 4以及⌈5⌉ = 5。
因此:T(1) = 45,T(2) = 540以及T(5) = 334795890。
求T(47) mod 315。