Problem 237
Tours on a 4 x n playing board
Let T(n) be the number of tours over a 4 × n playing board such that:
- The tour starts in the top left corner.
- The tour consists of moves that are up, down, left, or right one square.
- The tour visits each square exactly once.
- The tour ends in the bottom left corner.
The diagram shows one tour over a 4 × 10 board:
T(10) is 2329. What is T(1012) modulo 108?
4 x n棋盘上的巡游
记T(n)是在4 × n棋盘上按如下方式巡游的总方式数:
- 巡游从左上角开始。
- 巡游的每一步可以向上、向下、向左或向右移动一格。
- 巡游经过每格恰好一次。
- 巡游在左下角结束。
下图展示了4 × 10棋盘上其中一种巡游方式: