
Problem 325

Problem 325

Stone Game II

A game is played with two piles of stones and two players.
On each player’s turn, the player may remove a number of stones from the larger pile.
The number of removed must be a positive multiple of the number of stones in the smaller pile.

E.g., let the ordered pair $(6,14)$ describe a configuration with $6$ stones in the smaller pile and $14$ stones in the larger pile, then the first player can remove $6$ or $12$ stones from the larger pile.

The player taking all the stones from a pile wins the game.

A winning configuration is one where the first player can force a win. For example, $(1,5)$, $(2,6)$ and $(3,12)$ are winning configurations because the first player can immediately remove all stones in the second pile.

A losing configuration is one where the second player can force a win, no matter what the first player does. For example, $(2,3)$ and $(3,4)$ are losing configurations: any legal move leaves a winning configuration for the second player.

Define $S(N)$ as the sum of $(x_i+y_i)$ for all losing configurations $(x_i,y_i)$, $0 < x_i < y_i \le N$.

We can verify that $S(10) = 211$ and $S(10^4) = 230312207313$.

Find $S(10^{16}) \bmod 7^{10}$.







对于所有$0 < x_i < y_i \le N$的必败态$(x_i,y_i)$,记$S(N)$为$(x_i+y_i)$的和。

可以验证$S(10) = 211$,$S(10^4) = 230312207313$。

求$S(10^{16}) \bmod 7^{10}$。
