
Problem 359

Problem 359

Hilbert’s New Hotel

An infinite number of people (numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.) are lined up to get a room at Hilbert’s newest infinite hotel. The hotel contains an infinite number of floors (numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.), and each floor contains an infinite number of rooms (numbered 1, 2, 3, etc.).

Initially the hotel is empty. Hilbert declares a rule on how the nth person is assigned a room: person n gets the first vacant room in the lowest numbered floor satisfying either of the following:

  • the floor is empty
  • the floor is not empty, and if the latest person taking a room in that floor is person m, then m + n is a perfect square

Person 1 gets room 1 in floor 1 since floor 1 is empty.
Person 2 does not get room 2 in floor 1 since 1 + 2 = 3 is not a perfect square.
Person 2 instead gets room 1 in floor 2 since floor 2 is empty.
Person 3 gets room 2 in floor 1 since 1 + 3 = 4 is a perfect square.

Eventually, every person in the line gets a room in the hotel.

Define P(f, r) to be n if person n occupies room r in floor f, and 0 if no person occupies the room. Here are a few examples:
P(1, 1) = 1
P(1, 2) = 3
P(2, 1) = 2
P(10, 20) = 440
P(25, 75) = 4863
P(99, 100) = 19454

Find the sum of all P(f, r) for all positive f and r such that f × r = 71328803586048 and give the last 8 digits as your answer.




  • 这层楼是空的
  • 这层楼不是空的,前一个住进这层楼的是第m个人,且m + n为完全平方数

第2个人无法住进第1层的房间2,因为1 + 2 = 3不是完全平方数。
第3个人住进第1层的房间2,因为1 + 3 = 4是完全平方数。


若第f层的房间r住着第n个人,则记P(f, r)为n,若没有住人则记为0。以下是其中一些例子:
P(1, 1) = 1
P(1, 2) = 3
P(2, 1) = 2
P(10, 20) = 440
P(25, 75) = 4863
P(99, 100) = 19454

对于所有满足f × r = 71328803586048的正数f和r,求P(f, r)的和,并给出其最后8位数字作为你的答案。