Problem 38
Pandigital multiples
Take the number $192$ and multiply it by each of $1$, $2$, and $3$:
$192 × 1 = 192$
$192 × 2 = 384$
$192 × 3 = 576$
By concatenating each product we get the $1$ to $9$ pandigital, $192384576$. We will call $192384576$ the concatenated product of $192$ and $(1,2,3)$
The same can be achieved by starting with $9$ and multiplying by $1$, $2$, $3$, $4$, and $5$, giving the pandigital, $918273645$, which is the concatenated product of $9$ and $(1,2,3,4,5)$.
What is the largest $1$ to $9$ pandigital 9-digit number that can be formed as the concatenated product of an integer with $(1,2, … ,n)$ where $n>1$?
$192 × 1 = 192$
$192 × 2 = 384$
$192 × 3 = 576$
考虑所有$n>1$时某个整数和$(1,2, … ,n)$的拼接乘积,其中最大的$1$至$9$全数字的数是多少?