
Problem 663

Problem 663

Sums of subarrays

Let $t_k$ be the tribonacci numbers defined as:
$\quad t_0 = t_1 = 0$;
$\quad t_2 = 1$;
$\quad t_k = t_{k-1} + t_{k-2} + t_{k-3}$ for $k \ge 3$.

For a given integer $n$, let $A_n$ be an array of length $n$ (indexed from 0 to $n-1$), that is initially filled with zeros.
The array is changed iteratively by replacing $A_n[(t_{2 i-2} \text{ mod } n)]$ with $A_n[(t_{2 i-2} \text{ mod } n)]+2 (t_{2 i-1} \text{ mod } n)-n+1$ in each step $i$.
After each step $i$, define $M_n(i)$ to be $\displaystyle \max{\sum_{j=p}^q A_n[j]: 0\le p\le q<n}$, the maximal sum of any contiguous subarray of $A_n$.

The first $6$ steps for $n=5$ are illustrated below:
Initial state: $, A_5={0,0,0,0,0}$
Step $1$: $\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4,0,0,0,0}$ , $M_5(1)=0$
Step $2$: $\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 0, 0, 0}$ , $M_5(2)=0$
Step $3$: $\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 4, 0, 0}$ , $M_5(3)=4$
Step $4$: $\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 6, 0, 0}$ , $M_5(4)=6$
Step $5$: $\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 6, 0, 4}$ , $M_5(5)=10$
Step $6$: $\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, 2, 6, 0, 4}$ , $M_5(6)=12$

Let $\displaystyle S(n,l)=\sum_{i=1}^l M_n(i)$. Thus $S(5,6)=32$.
You are given $S(5,100)=2416$, $S(14,100)=3881$ and $S(107,1000)=1618572$.

Find $S(10,000,003,10,200,000)-S(10,000,003,10,000,000)$.


$\quad t_0 = t_1 = 0$;
$\quad t_2 = 1$;
$\quad t_k = t_{k-1} + t_{k-2} + t_{k-3}$对于任意$k \ge 3$。

接着对数组进行初步调整,在第$i$步,将$A_n[(t_{2 i-2} \bmod n)]$替换为$A_n[(t_{2 i-2}\bmod n)]+2 (t_{2 i-1}\bmod n)-n+1$。
在第$i$步替换后,记$M_n(i)$为$\displaystyle \max{\sum_{j=p}^q A_n[j]: 0\le p\le q<n}$,即$A_n$所有连续子数组之和的最大值。

第$1$步:$\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, 0, 0, 0, 0}$,$M_5(1)=0$
第$2$步:$\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 0, 0, 0}$,$M_5(2)=0$
第$3$步:$\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 4, 0, 0}$,$M_5(3)=4$
第$4$步:$\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 6, 0, 0}$,$M_5(4)=6$
第$5$步:$\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, -2, 6, 0, 4}$,$M_5(5)=10$
第$6$步:$\quad \Rightarrow A_5={-4, 2, 6, 0, 4}$,$M_5(6)=12$

记$\displaystyle S(n,l)=\sum_{i=1}^l M_n(i)$,因此$S(5,6)=32$。
