
Problem 673

Problem 673

Beds and Desks

At Euler University, each of the $n$ students (numbered from $1$ to $n$) occupies a bed in the dormitory and uses a desk in the classroom.

Some of the beds are in private rooms which a student occupies alone, while the others are in double rooms occupied by two students as roommates. Similarly, each desk is either a single desk for the sole use of one student, or a twin desk at which two students sit together as desk partners.

We represent the bed and desk sharing arrangements each by a list of pairs of student numbers. For example, with $n=4$, if $(2,3)$ represents the bed pairing and $(1,3)(2,4)$ the desk pairing, then students $2$ and $3$ are roommates while $1$ and $4$ have single rooms, and students $1$ and $3$ are desk partners, as are students $2$ and $4$.

The new chancellor of the university decides to change the organisation of beds and desks: a permutation $\sigma$ of the numbers $1,2,\ldots,n$ will be chosen, and each student $k$ will be given both the bed and the desk formerly occupied by student number $\sigma(k)$.

The students agree to this change, under the conditions that:

  1. Any two students currently sharing a room will still be roommates.
  2. Any two students currently sharing a desk will still be desk partners.

In the example above, there are only two ways to satisfy these conditions: either take no action ($\sigma$ is the identity permutation), or reverse the order of the students.

With $n=6$, for the bed pairing $(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)$ and the desk pairing $(3,6)(4,5)$, there are $8$ permutations which satisfy the conditions. One example is the mapping $(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) \mapsto (1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4)$.

With $n=36$, if we have bed pairing:
and desk pairing
then among the $36!$ possible permutations (including the identity permutation), $663552$ of them satisfy the conditions stipulated by the students.

The downloadable text files beds.txt and desks.txt contain pairings for $n=500$. Each pairing is written on its own line, with the student numbers of the two roommates (or desk partners) separated with a comma. For example, the desk pairing in the $n=4$ example above would be represented in this file format as:


With these pairings, find the number of permutations that satisfy the students’ conditions. Give your answer modulo $999,999,937$.







  1. 原本的室友在调整后仍然是室友。
  2. 原本的同桌在调整后仍然是同桌。

在之前的例子中,只有两种满足上述条件的排列:要么就什么都不做(此时选择的$\sigma$称为恒等排列 ),要么将学生们的编号逆序排列。

当$n=6$时,若当前的床位安排是$(1,2)(3,4)(5,6)$,当前的座位安排是$(3,6)(4,5)$,则共有$8$种排列符合要求,其中一种是$(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) \mapsto (1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 4)$。



