
Problem 676

Problem 676

Matching Digit Sums

Let $d(i,b)$ be the digit sum of the number $i$ in base $b$. For example $d(9,2)=2$, since $9=1001_2$. When using different bases, the respective digit sums most of the time deviate from each other, for example $d(9,4)=3 \ne d(9,2)$.

However, for some numbers $i$ there will be a match, like $d(17,4)=d(17,2)=2$. Let $ M(n,b_1,b_2)$ be the sum of all natural numbers $i \le n$ for which $d(i,b_1)=d(i,b_2)$. For example, $M(10,8,2)=18$, $M(100,8,2)=292$ and $M(10^6,8,2)=19173952$.

Find $\displaystyle \sum_{k=3}^6 \sum_{l=1}^{k-2}M(10^{16},2^k,2^l)$, giving the last $16$ digits as the answer.


记$d(i,b)$为数$i$在$b$进制下的数字和。例如,$d(9,2)=2$,因为$9=1001_2$。不同进制下的数字和通常是不同的,例如$d(9,4)=3 \ne d(9,2)$。

然而,对于某些数$i$,在不同进制下的数字和可能会相同,比如$d(17,4)=d(17,2)=2$。记$M(n,b_1,b_2)$为所有满足$i \le n$且$d(i,b_1)=d(i,b_2)$的自然数$i$之和。例如,$M(10,8,2)=18$,$M(100,8,2)=292$,$M(10^6,8,2)=19173952$。

求$\displaystyle \sum_{k=3}^6 \sum_{l=1}^{k-2}M(10^{16},2^k,2^l)$,并给出其最后$16$位数字作为你的答案。