
Problem 734

Problem 734

A bit of prime

The logical-OR of two bits is $0$ if both bits are $0$, otherwise it is $1$.
The bitwise-OR of two positive integers performs a logical OR operation on each pair of corresponding bits in the binary expansion of its inputs.

For example, the bitwise-OR of $10$ and $6$ is $14$ because $10 = 1010_2$, $6 = 0110_2$ and $14 = 1110_2$.

Let $T(n, k)$ be the number of $k$-tuples $(x_1, x_2,\cdots,x_k)$ such that

  • every $x_i$ is a prime $\leq n$
  • the bitwise-OR of the tuple is a prime $\leq n$

For example, $T(5, 2)=5$. The five $2$-tuples are $(2, 2)$, $(2, 3)$, $(3, 2)$, $(3, 3)$ and $(5, 5)$.

You are given $T(100, 3) = 3355$ and $T(1000, 10) \equiv 2071632 \pmod{1\ 000\ 000\ 007}$.

Find $T(10^6,999983)$. Give your answer modulo $1\ 000\ 000\ 007$.



例如,$10$和$6$的按位或结果为$14$,这是因为$10 = 1010_2$,$6 = 0110_2$,而$14 = 1110_2$。

记$T(n, k)$为满足以下条件的$k$-元组$(x_1, x_2,\cdots,x_k)$的数目:

  • 每个$x_i$均为小于等于$n$的质数;
  • 元组中所有数按位或的结果是一个小于等于$n$的质数。

例如,$T(5, 2)=5$,这五个$2$-元组分别是$(2, 2)$、$(2, 3)$、$(3, 2)$、$(3, 3)$和$(5, 5)$。

已知$T(100, 3) = 3355$,$T(1000, 10) \equiv 2071632 \pmod{1\ 000\ 000\ 007}$。

求$T(10^6,999983)$,并将你的答案对$1\ 000\ 000\ 007$取余。