
Problem 741

Problem 741

Binary grid colouring

Let $f(n)$ be the number of ways an $n\times n$ square grid can be coloured, each cell either black or white, such that each row and each column contains exactly two black cells.
For example, $f(4)=90$, $f(7) = 3110940$ and $f(8) = 187530840$.

Let $g(n)$ be the number of colourings in $f(n)$ that are unique up to rotations and reflections.
You are given $g(4)=20$, $g(7) = 390816$ and $g(8) = 23462347$ giving $g(7)+g(8) = 23853163$.

Find $g(7^7) + g(8^8)$. Give your answer modulo $1\ 000\ 000\ 007$.


对$n\times n$的网格进行黑白染色,记使得每行和每列都恰好有两个黑格的染色方法数目为$f(n)$。
例如,$f(4)=90$,$f(7) = 3110940$,$f(8) = 187530840$。

已知$g(4)=20$,$g(7) = 390816$,$g(8) = 23462347$,因此$g(7)+g(8) = 23853163$。

求$g(7^7) + g(8^8)$,并将你的答案对$1\ 000\ 000\ 007$取余。