
Problem 787

Problem 787

Bézout’s Game

Two players play a game with two piles of stones. They take alternating turns. If there are currently $a$ stones in the first pile and $b$ stones in the second, a turn consists of removing $c\ge 0$ stones from the first pile and $d\ge 0$ from the second in such a way that $ad-bc=\pm1$. The winner is the player who first empties one of the piles.

Note that the game is only playable if the sizes of the two piles are coprime.

A game state $(a, b)$ is a winning position if the next player can guarantee a win with optimal play. Define $H(N)$ to be the number of winning positions $(a, b)$ with $\gcd(a,b)=1$, $a > 0$, $b > 0$ and $a+b \leq N$. Note the order matters, so for example $(2,1)$ and $(1,2)$ are distinct positions.

You are given $H(4)=5$ and $H(100)=2043$.

Find $H(10^9)$.


两名玩家正在用两堆石子玩游戏。他们轮流行动,若当前第一堆有$a$枚石子而第二堆有$b$枚,则这一轮的玩家可以从第一堆移除$c \ge 0$枚石子并从第二堆移除$d \ge 0$枚石子且满足$ad-bc=\pm 1$。首先将其中一堆石子清空的玩家获胜。


若玩家面对游戏状态$(a,b)$时按照最优策略必定获胜,则称该游戏状态为必胜态。记$H(N)$为满足$\gcd(a,b)=1$,$a>0$,$b>0$和$a+b \leq N$的必胜态$(a,b)$的数目。在计算数目时需要注意顺序,例如$(2,1)$和$(1,2)$应视为不同的游戏状态。

