
Problem 832

Problem 832

Mex Sequence

In this problem $\oplus$ is used to represent the bitwise exclusive or of two numbers.
Starting with blank paper repeatedly do the following:

  1. Write down the smallest positive integer $a$ which is currently not on the paper;
  2. Find the smallest positive integer $b$ such that neither $b$ nor $(a \oplus b)$ is currently on the paper. Then write down both $b$ and $(a \oplus b)$.

After the first round ${1,2,3}$ will be written on the paper. In the second round $a=4$ and because $(4 \oplus 5)$, $(4 \oplus 6)$ and $(4 \oplus 7)$ are all already written $b$ must be $8$.

After $n$ rounds there will be $3n$ numbers on the paper. Their sum is denoted by $M(n)$.

For example, $M(10) = 642$ and $M(1000) = 5432148$.

Find $M(10^{18})$. Give your answer modulo $1\ 000\ 000\ 007$.



  1. 写下最小的、未被写在纸上的正整数$a$;
  2. 求最小的、使得$b$和$(a \oplus b)$都未被写在纸上的正整数$b$,并将$b$和$(a \oplus b)$都写在纸上。

经过第一轮操作,${1,2,3}$将被写在纸上。在第二轮中$a=4$,同时因为$(4 \oplus 5)$、$(4 \oplus 6)$和$(4 \oplus 7)$都已经写在纸上了,因此$b$只能是$8$。


例如,$M(10) = 642$,$M(1000) = 5432148$。

求$M(10^{18})$,并将你的答案对$1\ 000\ 000\ 007$取余。

译注:原标题中的“Mex”是“Minimum Excluded Value”的简写,因此翻译为“最小排除值”。