
Problem 841

Problem 841

Regular Star Polygons

The regular star polygon $\{p/q\}$, for coprime integers $p,q$ with $p > 2q > 0$, is a polygon formed from $p$ edges of equal length and equal internal angles, such that tracing the complete polygon wraps $q$ times around the centre. For example, $\{8/3\}$ is illustrated below:


The edges of a regular star polygon intersect one another, dividing the interior into several regions. Define the alternating shading of a regular star polygon to be a selection of such regions to shade, such that every piece of every edge has a shaded region on one side and an unshaded region on the other, with the exterior of the polygon unshaded. For example, the above image shows the alternating shading (in green) of $\{8/3\}$.

Let $A(p, q)$ be the area of the alternating shading of $\{p/q\}$, assuming that its inradius is $1$. (The inradius of a regular polygon, star or otherwise, is the distance from its centre to the midpoint of any of its edges.) For example, in the diagram above, it can be shown that central shaded octagon has area $8(\sqrt{2}-1)$ and each point’s shaded kite has area $2(\sqrt{2}-1)$, giving $A(8,3) = 24(\sqrt{2}-1) \approx 9.9411254970$.

You are also given that $A(130021, 50008)\approx 10.9210371479$, rounded to $10$ digits after the decimal point.

Find $\sum_{n=3}^{34} A(F_{n+1},F_{n-1})$, where $F_j$ is the Fibonacci sequence with $F_1=F_2=1$ (so $A(F_{5+1},F_{5-1}) = A(8,3)$). Give your answer rounded to $10$ digits after the decimal point.





对内半径为$1$的星形正多边形$\{p/q\}$进行交替上色后,记上色区域的面积为$A(p, q)$。(任意正多边形或星形正多边形的内半径是指其中心和任意一条边的中点的距离。)例如,在上图中,正中位置被上色的八边形面积为$8(\sqrt{2}-1)$,每个顶点处被上色的筝形面积为$2(\sqrt{2}-1)$,因此$A(8,3) = 24(\sqrt{2}-1) \approx 9.9411254970$。

已知$A(130021, 50008)\approx 10.9210371479$,保留$10$位小数。

求$\sum_{n=3}^{34} A(F_{n+1},F_{n-1})$,其中$F_j$是由$F_1=F_2=1$开始的斐波那契数列的第$j$项(例如,$A(F_{5+1},F_{5-1}) = A(8,3)$),并将你的答案保留$10$位小数。