
Problem 863

Problem 863

Different Dice

Using only a six-sided fair dice and a five-sided fair dice, we would like to emulate an $n$-sided fair dice.

For example, one way to emulate a $28$-sided dice is to follow this procedure:

  1. Roll both dice, obtaining integers $1\le p\le 6$ and $1\le q\le 5$.
  2. Combine them using $r = 5(p-1) + q$ to obtain an integer $1\le r\le 30$.
  3. If $r\le 28$, return the value $r$ and stop.
  4. Otherwise ($r$ being $29$ or $30$), roll both dice again, obtaining integers $1\le s\le 6$ and $1\le t\le 5$.
  5. Compute $u = 30(r-29) + 5(s-1) + t$ to obtain an integer $1\le u\le 60$.
  6. If $u>4$, return the value $((u-5)\bmod 28) + 1$ and stop.
  7. Otherwise (with $1\le u\le 4$), roll the six-sided dice twice, obtaining integers $1\le v\le 6$ and $1\le w\le 6$.
  8. Compute $x = 36(u-1) + 6(v-1) + w$ to obtain an integer $1\le x\le 144$.
  9. If $x>4$, return the value $((x-5)\bmod 28) + 1$ and stop.
  10. Otherwise (with $1\le x\le 4$), assign $u:=x$ and go back to step $7$.

The expected number of dice rolls in following this procedure is $2.142476$ (rounded to $6$ decimal places). Note that rolling both dice at the same time is still counted as two dice rolls.

There exist other more complex procedures for emulating a $28$-sided dice that entail a smaller average number of dice rolls. However, the above procedure has the attractive property that the sequence of dice rolled is predetermined: regardless of the outcome, it follows $(D5,D6,D5,D6,D6,D6,D6,\ldots)$, truncated wherever the process stops. In fact, amongst procedures for $n=28$ with this restriction, this one is optimal in the sense of minimising the expected number of rolls needed.

Different values of $n$ will in general use different predetermined sequences. For example, for $n=8$, the sequence $(D5,D5,D5,\ldots)$ gives an optimal procedure, taking $2.083333\ldots$ dice rolls on average.

Define $R(n)$ to be the expected number of dice rolls for an optimal procedure for emulating an $n$-sided dice using only a five-sided and a six-sided dice, considering only those procedures where the sequence of dice rolled is predetermined. So, $R(8) \approx 2.083333$ and $R(28) \approx 2.142476$.

Let $S(n) = \displaystyle\sum_{k=2}^n R(k)$. You are given that $S(30) \approx 56.054622$.

Find $S(1000)$. Give your answer rounded to $6$ decimal places.




  1. 同时抛掷这两枚骰子,得到整数$1\le p\le 6$和$1\le q\le 5$。
  2. 计算$r = 5(p-1) + q$,得到整数$1\le r\le 30$。
  3. 若$r\le 28$,给出$r$并停止。
  4. 否则(若$r$为$29$或$30$),再次同时抛掷这两枚骰子,得到整数$1\le s\le 6$和$1\le t\le 5$。
  5. 计算$u = 30(r-29) + 5(s-1) + t$,得到整数$1\le u\le 60$。
  6. 若$u>4$,给出$((u-5)\bmod 28) + 1$并停止。
  7. 否则(若$1\le u\le 4$),抛掷六面骰两次,得到$1\le v\le 6$和$1\le w\le 6$。
  8. 计算$x = 36(u-1) + 6(v-1) + w$,得到整数$1\le x\le 144$。
  9. 若$x>4$,给出$((x-5)\bmod 28) + 1$并停止。
  10. 否则(若$1\le x\le 4$),令$u:=x$并回到第$7$步。




定义$R(n)$为仅使用一枚五面骰和一枚六面骰,且遵循上述“抛掷序列必须事先确定”的额外规则,以模拟$n$面骰所需的最小期望抛掷次数。因此,$R(8) \approx 2.083333$,$R(28) \approx 2.142476$。

记$S(n) = \displaystyle\sum_{k=2}^n R(k)$。已知$S(30) \approx 56.054622$。
