
Problem 872

Problem 872

Recursive Tree

A sequence of rooted trees $T_n$ is constructed such that $T_n$ has $n$ nodes numbered $1$ to $n$.

The sequence starts at $T_1$, a tree with a single node as a root with the number $1$.

For $n > 1$, $T_n$ is constructed from $T_{n-1}$ using the following procedure:

  1. Trace a path from the root of $T_{n-1}$ to a leaf by following the largest-numbered child at each node.
  2. Remove all edges along the traced path, disconnecting all nodes along it from their parents.
  3. Connect all orphaned nodes directly to a new node numbered $n$, which becomes the root of $T_n$.

For example, the following figure shows $T_6$ and $T_7$. The path traced through $T_6$ during the construction of $T_7$ is coloured red.


Let $f(n, k)$ be the sum of the node numbers along the path connecting the root of $T_n$ to the node $k$, including the root and the node $k$. For example, $f(6, 1) = 6 + 5 + 1 = 12$ and $f(10, 3) = 29$.

Find $f(10^{17}, 9^{17})$.





  1. 从$T_{n-1}$的根节点出发,不断沿编号最大的子节点移动,直至到达叶节点,并记录相应的路径。
  2. 移除路径上的所有边,使路径上的节点与其父节点分离。
  3. 将所有被分离出的节点连接到一个新的、编号为$n$的节点,并将其作为$T_n$的根节点。



记$f(n, k)$为$T_n$中连接根节点和编号为$k$的节点的路径上,所有节点(包括路径的两端)的编号和。例如,$f(6, 1) = 6 + 5 + 1 = 12$,$f(10, 3) = 29$。

求$f(10^{17}, 9^{17})$。